If I prefer to skylark
behind my eyelids
in the backwoods of a barren land
where only the sun grazes the earth’s field,
will you blame me if I linger there ?

If I come back
with sharp blunt stones
that the sun had not shed upon
and find me looking at them
once in a while,
will you blame me for wasting my time ?

There are sounds that smoke
through thorny plants
where creatures without wings or legs
hide behind,
I may speak to them and lose myself
and get late to come back to where I left off.

You will think I’m not well
when my words will fall behind
and you will tend to me
with herbs crushed from deep-soiled roots,
but I may suddenly leave again
and again,
can you blame me now ?


Image : https://plus.google.com/u/0/+MalinthaPerera/posts/C4SnH1RwDvC?pid=6163269699387746450&oid=113486360361403269059&authkey=CL2YypPtrKT3iwE


Bear with patience
The multiplied troubles
Like a queen that endures the pain
Caused by her royal fetus.
How proud is she
She embraces the difficulties
She has no grudge
She knows she is carrying a future king.

At least your worries
Are here when you can handle
They won’t come strong
Catch you unaware, in another life.
So welcome the hardships
With awareness and right view
You are not a courtesan bearing a child
Unhappy…. Complaining….Full of hate.

From the Book “Mind Your Own Business”  (Copyright © 2013 Meethirigala Nissarana Forest Monastery ISBN 978-955-4877-00-9)