as I move
on to the tip of my nose
they surface with gills made of spoons
stirring the broth they live in
no wonder I can’t see the bottom

this neon identity
from    surface to    surface
a flamboyant centipede

my breath makes  beads
nose tip against nose tip

staring at each other
facing so many
I put my hand against the facade

and distorts my own self
in to me

Image and poem © Malintha Perera 2016


those moments
when even the water disappears
dragging us through the cracks

your mind falls apart
wood piece by wood piece
to sawdust

even the tears desert us when we want
that moistness

at those moments

let the body be the body
formations be formations
and use even those few moments
to go beyond drought

so that you will not return
as a passenger
to tread any waters again

©Malintha Perera 2015

Let’s throw our umbrellas

Watch them sink
between the ripples

Do you remember how
we used to trample their foam
when they were frothing
helpless on the shore ?

We watched them hanging on
to our sand castles
knocking them down
as they went

and we laughed
as they were dragged back

“They are just being themselves”, you said

What’s so different now ?

c.r. Malintha Perera 2015

can never be traced

their curves
will lead you to many doors
down corridors
painted portraits
ancestors with wide brimmed hats
and long mustaches
their eyes will swallow your
true meaning

it will be like crushing yourself
when you refuse to look into their eyes
brushing aside
looking through the spaces

really don’t mean what they say

forgive them
and don’t be afraid to erase

c.r. Malintha Perera 2015

Always in our search
for an audience

Down roads
dragging along a stretched out note

So many like us
we meet and part

The notes remain untouched

And when the time comes
at the river
and it’s time to sink the instruments

We will look at them
and would want to play so badly
the final chords

But they would sound hollow
and would sink
very quickly

And we will go much quicker

A stone crafted by moss.

©Malintha Perera 2015

It’s alright
to go through dark woods
once in a while
and hear the cries of creatures
feasting on fetuses
that you have planned to carry
and give birth to

it’s the same thing

even if you travel
through a path full of wild flowers
listening to the bees
gathering nectar

it’s the same thing

you are not free from the chains of hell,
you will again take shelter inside a womb,
it’s not the walks that we take
or where we take them

the point is
they are all thoughts

and there is no one that claims them
other than a ready made self

where are the scissors ?

©Malintha Perera 2015

When all shapes
that form the world
are at a pool at my feet
when I begin to see myself.

A mere reflection
and even that is not myself.

A self is a tree
and my
are its leaves.

The form bursts.

I continue to breathe the stars.

©Malintha Perera 2015

Sometimes it’s a walk through the gothic forest
and my cape would get caught
and the wind would wheeze through the holes, torn
by fleshless thorns.

Shreds of my starched cloth caught among their fingers
would flutter like hearts that of butterflies
who had been forced to leave them  behind.

The bats overhead gliding above me
from tree to tree would marginally miss me
and that would be my excuse to bend
and grasp a handful of parched leaves.
Some would prick my hands
when I hide them inside the pockets
buried in my long gown
and I would not mind
and I would smile at stealing
a small part of the overgrown woods.

When at last I reach home I would crush
the sand clung leaves
with a rolling pin
and burn in my wide metal dish, humming a soft song
blowing here and then
the mist out of the smoke
and out of myself,
those the parts
the light had missed.

©Malintha Perera 2015


Who can understand this silence
where only creatures who have tasted its nectar
would seek
to draw out its words
with a gentleness
that we
cannot ever grasp.

They flutter their wings
inside its space
and lift their heads
between the lines,
the invisible self
and yet we think too much
giving wings
for the wind.

©Malintha Perera 2015